How Not to Remove a Coaxial Cable

File under Don’t Do This!

New Employee Operating Training available from eldec LLC.

New employee training can help prevent expensive mistakes like this.

Learning the hard way can be embarrassing, potentially dangerous and painful as well as expensive. Training on how to properly maintain induction heating equipment is essential to avoid additional service expense and costly downtime. Here’s a real life oops that you and your staff can avoid.

The induction generator shown in the photo above was sent into eldec LLC for service. While attempting to repair the unit someone at the customer’s plant had simply cut the coax off the back panel of the generator. As you can see from the photo, the water lines feeding the coaxial cable bundle also have wires running through them. Obviously, this is the wrong way to remove a coaxial cable bundle from an induction generator.

Whether you’re the boss or the new guy or gal on the line be sure to read the maintenance and service manuals before attempting an in-house repair. If you are unsure of the proper method to disconnect the coaxial cable from the induction generator, please consult with eldec’s trained service personnel, and they will walk you through the process. If the level of repair needed exceeds your staff’s capabilities, eldec offers flexible service options and quick turn around.

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