Brazing Instructor Knows What Works

Customer Testimonial

Paul George of Outage Technology Solutions
Paul George | Outage Technology Solutions

Paul George knows a thing or two about induction brazing. He spent the majority of his long career at GE’s Power Division designing induction coils and working as an in-house brazing instructor in GE’s Schenectady, New York plant.  During that time, he estimates that he designed more than 40 different types of coils in collaboration with eldec’s engineers and technicians. Over the years he developed a knack for knowing what would work and what would not.  That knowledge kept him coming back to eldec for power supplies, coils and expertise for more than 25 years. He attributes his brand loyalty to four things:

  1. Quality – Over the years George worked with several induction coil vendors, but he says he always had a preference for eldec. “They’re the Cadillac of inductors,” he explained. He said he often lobbied for purchasing eldec’s coils when others recommended cheaper alternatives during the vetting process.
  2. Technical Support – “In my experience, eldec’s response was top shelf. If I called and left a message, they called me back, even after hours,” George said. “Being available for troubleshooting is extremely valuable to me, especially when it’s late in the evening and there is a problem at a nuclear power plant.”
  3. Reliable Delivery Dates – “A date promised is a date delivered. They have been very consistent. Other vendors had lots of excuses for missing deadlines, but not eldec.”
  4. Trust – “I’ve always had a good working relationship with the people at eldec. I felt comfortable sharing designs and proprietary information with them. I knew whatever I was developing was safe with them. Dan Goers and I have been friends for more than 25 years now.”
OTS's power supply was similar to this MFG 75.
OTSs power supply was similar to this MFG 75

George retired from GE a few years ago and is now working as an induction brazing consultant designing, developing and building projects at Outage Technology Solutions, an engineering service specializing in advanced induction brazing techniques used in building and repairing power generation systems. He still comes back to eldec and recently recommended that OTS purchase an eldec medium frequency power supply (MFG 75-2A) with two coaxial cables mounted on a mobile cart with a chiller. The dual cables allow George to use it as a use it as a 75 kW unit with no limitations (or 100 kW when utilizing eldec’s 3-minute overdrive capability) for larger brazing jobs, and as a 30K unit for brazing projects requiring less power. “It has the flexibility OTS needs and eldec’s tech support walked us through and got it setup,” George said.

Brazing experience from staff at OTS, like Paul George and OTS President Chris Reville, reduce the time and cost of research and development for their customers. As George likes to say, they have a head start because they know what works.  To request a consultation or submit an inquiry to OTS, please contact Chris Reville at (518) 650-5926 or

Contact us to request a power supply or induction coil consultation.